News Interviews



Darknet Markets + The Bitcoin News Cycle - Kai Sedgwick

Kai is humble and he wouldn't say it, but I will: Kai is one of the top writers in the cryptocurrency world. This is his story.

Matt Aaron

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About the Episode

A Scottish native, he's never been a fan of gov't control. When he learned about bitcoin years ago, he was hooked.

A clever, insightful journalist Kai knows a lot about Darknet markets and has a firm grasp on the bitcoin news circuit.

If that's not enough, he also ate McDonalds for 30 days straight.

Follow him on Twitter at Bitcoin 101, read his articles at, and of course his hilarious review of Cryptos

About the Host

Matt Aaron

Matt Aaron has been podcasting since 2013, when he launched the Food Startups Podcast.

He recently found a second love in cryptocurrency and blockchain and hasn't looked back.

His first major investment into cryptocurrency was the money he made betting on (but not voting for) that Donald Trump would win the 2016 election.

Matt believes that public blockchains and cryptocurrencies are the solution to the many problems exposed of the current banking system in the 2008 financial crisis.

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